Big Game Hunting 101 Purchase Online. Big Game Hunting 101, No Room Service and Other Terrifying Realities is now available for purchase from Amazon in both Paperback and Kindle formats. Order your signed copy of the paperback directly from the author. Fred Kloecker will sign your copy with a personal message. Frederick N. Kloecker’s humorous hunting books keep his readers laughing from cover to cover with his humorous stories of his own hunting experiences.
Frederick N. Kloecker
No Room Service and Other Terrifying Realities
Never was the notion of “explore, experience, and evolve” more clear to Fred than the day he stepped into the dark woods alone (at the tender age of 27) and embraced adventure over unqualified panic for the first time in his life. For an entitled, self-confessed, five-star-resort-and-country-club snob, an elk hunting trip seemed unlikely—let alone three of them. But his evolution from elitist with a wine list to someone who discovers and embraces a profound love for the simple, unspoiled outdoors went far beyond just exchanging a coat and tie for more-comfortable camouflage. It was with great excitement (read: blissful ignorance) that he plunged into a world of discomforting unknowns, at the urging of his friend and hunting partner, Jon, who had amassed a lifetime of outdoor experiences and endeavored to pass along his fascination, skills, and love of the great outdoors to Fred, a true greenhorn.
In this nonfiction narrative, Fred shares his hunting adventures, along with his missteps, relentless apprehensions, countless dents to his ego, and successes and failures alike, all of which lead to an extraordinary transformation that extends well beyond the forest.
The goal (besides eliciting unrelenting bouts of snort-inducing laughter) is to encourage a retreat from cell phones and video games and to breed interest in the outdoors. Fred shares these experiences that have had a profound effect on him in the hope that it will encourage others to leap at the opportunity to experience life firsthand, engage all five senses, and explore this amazing world for themselves. Walk side by side with him as he confronts his own personal demons, along with intimidating animals that threaten his privileged existence, in a vast, unfamiliar, and often uncomfortable environment.
Fred Kloecker’s humorous hunting books are a must-have for hunters of every experience level. You’ll either get an idea for what’s in store for you as you take on the challenges of becoming a hunter or you will look back and laugh with fondness and remember similar hurdles you tripped over yourself on your own amazing journey. His outdoor adventures are wrought peril and intrigue, but most notably, humor. The reads are a laugh a minute and are great assets to have close at hand when you just need to immerse yourself in hunting stories. After all, just because the seasons end doesn’t mean you can’t keep enjoying the fun, adventurous spirit of the hunt these books bring to your fingertips.
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